The NRE Labs project has shut down, and the interactive labs are no longer available. See this blog post for more information.
Lesson Catalog Unavailable


Welcome to the NRE Labs community. As a collaborative group of developers and users, we focus on simplifying the journey to network reliability engineering for working NetOps engineers. Developers and users alike can get involved and contribute in a variety of ways, from ideas to code to community support.

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NRE Labs In The Wild

As a community-powered hub for advancing network engineering and automation skill-sets, NRE Labs has been prominently featured in blogs, podcasts, case studies and publications all across the industry. Blogs Introducing NRE Labs Juniper and NRE Labs at NFD20 NFD20 - Juniper’s Hedging Their Bets NFD20 - Juniper and NRE Labs Creating Lessons for the Antidote Network Emulator  Publications Case Study: NRE Labs on Packet Network World CIO.