The NRE Labs project has shut down, and the interactive labs are no longer available. See this blog post for more information.
Lesson Catalog Unavailable

NRE Labs v1.1.2 is Out!

We’re continuing the release of new content in today’s minor release of the NRE Labs Curriculum, v1.1.2.

Primarily this release includes a new chapter a new chapter for the Git lesson, which covers “Fixing Your Mistakes”. Everyone makes mistakes, and this is especially true when using a complex and robust tool like Git. We’re continuing this lesson’s mission to arm infrastructure professionals with the practical basics of using Git in a real-world environment.

Check it out right now!

If you haven’t already, check out our new “Labs and Latte” video series on youtube, where we’ve been exploring the lessons we’ve already published in this series:

The next episode which will cover the previously published section on Git branching will be released soon.

Stay Safe

Finally, I also want to express my heartfelt appreciation for those working to keep the lights on during the coronavirus pandemic. Healthcare workers are obviously top-of-mind for me right now, but also retail workers, and the myriad of IT professionals that are keeping things running smoothly despite seeing unprecedented explosions in user activity.

I’m also mindful of the multitude of folks that are now finding themselves working from home, which for many is not a comfortable environment to work in. It’s unfamiliar, and given that everyone else has to be home too, is also full of distractions like stir-crazy children. The reality is that this current situation isn’t normal “work from home”, it’s “work during pandemic”. No one is used to this.

Most of us don’t have time to dig into a full-blown textbook on a subject. We have moments - fleeting minutes where we can play around with something new, and plant the seed of knowledge. My hope is that NRE Labs continues to provide a fast, and easy way to keep your skills sharp without requiring you to spend hours just building a lab environment. Take a look at the lesson catalog and check back in often to see the updates we’re rolling into the curriculum every month.

More to Come!

Remember, NRE Labs is a community-owned curriculum, and it’s not possible without you. So, get involved! Head over to and join our discussion forums, our standups, or post Github issues, or reach out to us on Twitter! Anything helps.